Time to Privatize the Royal Family
The idea of maintaining privilege as a form of duty has all the appearance of a scam. The game, it seems, is well and truly up.
Two Cheers for Polarization
The United States was founded amongst heated squabbling and bitter conflict. Even the breeziest walk through the highlight reel of American history shows that there is nothing new to polarization.
The New York Times’ Eye of Sauron
A recent report identified that America is far less polarized than we think. The report showed that partisan differences are not held with the level of hostility they are perceived to be.
Innovation will give the UK a cutting edge over the EU
But the market for improved agricultural technology is massive. Much of it lies in emerging economies across Africa and South East Asia. Countries like Uganda and Bangladesh are keen for the UK to take a lead in pioneering new technologies.
CORBYN-19 The Dystopia We Avoided
I emerged from my self-isolation last week to find some groceries, when I stumbled across the queue for Sainsbury’s stretching for two blocks down a central London street. I returned home with nothing.
We must resist the siren calls to abandon technology and global free trade
Civilization has emerged from a primordial brutish soup. Prosperity and technological innovation has afforded the growth of populations and legal rights. Yet it is these very technologies that we now want to reject.
Free market education is woefully lacking
The fact that it took me 40 years to come across something even half useful after a lifetime of British education means that we are letting our children down
If free market and social conservatives find common ground, they could be unstoppable
Neither public sector reform nor freedom to eat a high salt pot noodle are a big enough vision to appeal to those left behind by London’s prosperity
Scrap the TV licence, the BBC should just stick to the national news
Monolithic TV is over. As a model, it cannot survive and shouldn’t be supported by a tax enforced with the threat of prison.
No, buying organic is not the environmentally friendly option
Organic farming is a smart marketing niche that has seduced many of us in the West who wish to be environmentally conscious.
The EU is taking a foolish stance on food technology
Technology has improved many areas of life. Imagine washing laundry the “natural” way. We would be polluting streams by dunking our primitive clothing in rivers and bashing our furs on rocks.
How can you protest for democracy, when your cause is to ignore democracy?
Identity politics pushes traditional democratic processes such as elections and political parties aside, opting for protest and campaigns, usually motivated by a need for protection not from the state but from other citizens.
Environmentalism is often anti-capitalism in disguise – but it doesn’t have to be
Groups like Extinction Rebellion are concerned that our future will resemble a post-apocalyptic landscape. What is unclear is whether campaigners think this prediction is something to be avoided or achieved.
Climate catastrophising risks shutting down vital debate
We washed up yoghurt pots, put them in the right plastic container, then a decade later tuned into Blue Planet 2 to discover that the yoghurt pot had ended up inside a dead albatross.
UN-backed eco-activism threatens to turn back the clock on development
Agroecology is an approach to agriculture that was cooked up in the classroom and moved out to the farm by activists from across academia, NGOs and the organic food industry.
Remainers falsely framed the Brexit vote as a choice between economic stability or democratic legitimacy
The referendum was not fought around a choice to ‘Leave’ or ‘Remain’, but rather a choice between the ‘economy’ or ‘democracy’ – at least that’s how the choice has been framed by the ongoing Remain campaign.
Why should baby boomers be the model for future generations?
The deeper problem is the assumption that fairness means two generations should have a shared equality of experience.
The Oxbridge Corridor should not become a Concrete Valley
It is worth noting from the start that England has one of the highest population density rates in the world. In fact, besides Bangladesh, there is no other country on earth that is both as populated and as densely populated as England.
Brexit is simply about regaining the freedom to determine our own destiny
Do you remember that sharp intake of breath, the ‘aha’ moment in June 2016, when the BBC’s David Dimbleby, head-dropped, announced the result for the EU referendum, a win for Leave?
These are the voyages of the Starship Diversity
In a world where the only stories that can be told and retold are Harry Potter, Star Wars or Star Trek, Netflix has been in the forefront of generating the most exciting, creative, and daring new TV content.