Innovation will give the UK a cutting edge over the EU
But the market for improved agricultural technology is massive. Much of it lies in emerging economies across Africa and South East Asia. Countries like Uganda and Bangladesh are keen for the UK to take a lead in pioneering new technologies.
We must resist the siren calls to abandon technology and global free trade
Civilization has emerged from a primordial brutish soup. Prosperity and technological innovation has afforded the growth of populations and legal rights. Yet it is these very technologies that we now want to reject.
No, buying organic is not the environmentally friendly option
Organic farming is a smart marketing niche that has seduced many of us in the West who wish to be environmentally conscious.
The EU is taking a foolish stance on food technology
Technology has improved many areas of life. Imagine washing laundry the “natural” way. We would be polluting streams by dunking our primitive clothing in rivers and bashing our furs on rocks.
Environmentalism is often anti-capitalism in disguise – but it doesn’t have to be
Groups like Extinction Rebellion are concerned that our future will resemble a post-apocalyptic landscape. What is unclear is whether campaigners think this prediction is something to be avoided or achieved.
UN-backed eco-activism threatens to turn back the clock on development
Agroecology is an approach to agriculture that was cooked up in the classroom and moved out to the farm by activists from across academia, NGOs and the organic food industry.
Development is about more than cash
The Department for International Development (DfID) of the UK government wants to increase direct cash transfers to up to six million people. In the light of the truly shocking Oxfam scandal last week, bypassing charities altogether may prove appetising.
The superstition that opposes GM crops is deadly for the world’s hungry
There are only 32 harvests left before the world’s population hits 10 billion in 2050. Between then and now, farmers around the world need to increase production by 70%.
After refugees arrive, the hard work begins
This month, an 18-year-old Iraqi refugee, who had been living in the UK for three years, took a homemade bomb onto the London Underground.